
Cloud Secure Gateway

Our system performs active scanning of files as they are uploaded to the server.Our system Actively scans all modified files within user accounts using the Watch daemon regardless of how they were uploaded, Our system its protect your website or server from all shell viruses.

Our system is designed to work in blocking mode with little or no tuning and with near zero false positives. You can easily build custom secure rules and secure your API interfaces. Our system is automated virtual patching lets you protect all apps with a single change. More than a WAF, Our system also adds bot control, account takeover protection, backdoor protection, two-factor authentication and SIEM integration.

Block threats
Our system WAF protects against all application security threats, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS) and remote file inclusion (RFI), and more.

Minimal customer friction
Other WAFs frequently block legitimate users, or rely on the use of CAPTCHA prompts. Our system lets you operate in blocking mode while virtually eliminating false positives.

Develop custom rules
Our system is a flexible scripting language that lets you build and instantly propagate new security rules. Configure rules according to your specific security needs, based on signals such as IP reputation, URL slug, client type, number of requests, and geo-data. IncapRules can even control a request’s URL structure, headers and cookies.