
Secure Gateway Trademark

Welcome to ALSCO, today we are going to talk about something very important we are going to talk about our exclusive Secure Gateway servers.

Now these servers are so unique, so innovative that we have are own trademark so you can see here we have register with united states government for the Secure Gateway that is trademark. its exclusively our term Secure Gateway this idea of having Secure Gateway server that protects your servers with your vital software, over here on the right you can see this is our patent right here and you can see the patent number its filed with the united states government and heres a small diagram kind of illustrating how this works so you get the request through the computer through the internet and the secure computer server our Secure Gateway server that determines whether that request gets sent to your software so over here you can see that we have all these servers here these are Secure Gateway servers so any requests that go to your website will go through one of these servers and these will filter out these can decode search in types of viruses so they can recognize them right away before it even gets very far in our server we've stopped it and nobody gets thought it to get to your server another thing that these things helps balance out.

Sometimes you can get alot of high traffic situation right? we have ALSCO software all over the world we have them in different regions so that way no one gets too much traffic if there is an overload of traffic on your website we can reroute some of these requests to other servers these will help evenly disperse the traffic and will help prevent you from getting overload with requests at one time which could be detrimental to your software so thank you for choosing ALSCO hopefully we can see you again

Thank you for choosing ALSCO

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